We love to share the excitement of our faculty. Pictured in this photo is Charles Farber and Dr. Dmitry Kurouski and the excitement can only be heard directly by the words of Dr. Dmitry Kurouski who reports as follows: “I’m glad to share this exciting news with you: my group just showed that using a… Read More →
Xiuren Zhang’s Publishes in Nature
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-018-0135-x https://today.agrilife.org/2018/05/16/agrilife-scientists-uncover-a-new-face-of-a-famous-protein-swi2-snf2-atpase/
Dr. Mary Bryk Recognized during the Annual UAC Banquet
Dr. Mary Bryk won the 2018 Margaret Annette Peters Advising Award during the annual University Advisors Banquet that was held on Monday, May 7, 2018. This award recognizes faculty and administrators who embody the spirit of caring, compassionate and genuine concern for the welfare of individual students. She is pictured with Mr. Vince Hernandez who… Read More →
Rafael in the Spotlight, again!
We are so super proud of Rafael Almanzar for being one of the twenty-five staff that were recognized during the President’s Meritorious Service Award ceremony that was held on April 23, 2018. This is a very prestigious award given by our university, sponsored by the Office of the President, and funded by the Association of… Read More →
Keya Mukherjee-Outstanding Student Indeed!
Keya Mukherjee, one of our Biochemistry majors working in Dr. Frank Raushel’s lab, was recognized as an outstanding student at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Convocation through her participation in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy (ANRP) program. It’s through ANRP that she will be working with the Food and Agriculture Organization of… Read More →
What, Another Title for Dr. Young?
That is right, he is still here, “young” enough to retire and do other things, but still loving his work here and enjoying his career at Texas A&M University. Dr. Ryland F. Young, III was just recognized as a Distinguished Professor at Texas A&M University. In 2016, he was named Regents Professor and in 2006… Read More →
2018 U.S. Senator Phil Gramm Doctoral Fellowship Awards
We celebrate with Karl Gorzelnik who received a U.S. Senator Phil Gramm Doctoral Fellowship in April 2018. The Senator Phil Gramm fellowship was established to promote, encourage and reward outstanding teaching and research by doctoral students whose command of their respective disciplines exemplifies the meaning of scholar/mentor in the highest sense. Karl is currently a… Read More →
AgriLife Research team helping better understand causes of muscular dystrophy
Writer: Blair Fannin, 979-845-2259, b-fannin@tamu.edu Contact: Dr. Vlad Panin, 979-845-9274, panin@tamu.edu COLLEGE STATION – Using fruit flies, Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists may be one step closer to better understanding the pathological mechanisms of muscular dystrophy. The researchers say they hope their work could assist medical doctors in prescribing effective therapies in the future. According… Read More →
Rafael Almanzar….Who can keep up with this guy?
On Feb. 22, 2018 Rafael was the recipient of the 2018 NACADA Region 7 Certificate of Merit for Excellence in Advising, Primary Role. On Feb. 28, 2018 Rafael received a TEXAAN Scholarship for 2018. On March 1, 2018 he learned, along with Rebecca Hapes and Gail Rowe, that their publication was accepted and published in… Read More →
Congressman Bill Flores Receives Education from Our Students
Keya Mukherjee (Raushel Lab) is an officer with an organization called Aggies in Science, Technology and Engineering Policy (ASTEP). Through ASTEP they had invited Congressman Bill Flores to tour a few labs in the ILSB in order for him to get a sense of how federal tax dollars are being spent in science labs. Students… Read More →