The President’s Excellence Fund Symposium, took place on Thursday, April 4, which was held in the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center. The symposium consisted of presentations given by X-Grant award recipients and poster sessions by T3 award recipients. Four of our faculty were T3 award recipients: Drs. Tatyana Igumenova, Frank Raushel, Jim Sacchettini, and Junjie Zhang…. Read More →
1st Annual Biophysical Society Symposium
The Biophysical Society had their first annual symposium of the year on March 29. Students of different departments ranging from Biochemistry, Chemistry and Engineering, participated in either oral presentations, or poster presentations. Of the six oral presentations, two were from Biochemistry, two from Chemistry and two from Biomedical Engineering, along with one of them being… Read More →
NACADA Regional 7 Conference Winners
NACADA is the National Academic Advising Association and region 7 represents the states of Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Texas. On Saturday, March 9, the NACADA Regional 7 Conference was held in San Antonio, TX, where both Dr. Mary Bryk and Dr. Carol Vargas were recognized for their hard work as advisors! Dr. Mary… Read More →
Finding cancer-promoting proteins in bacteria
Researchers in the Hu lab created the online data browser for the E. coli-to-Cancer Gene-function Atlas (ECGA), which was described in the Jan 10, 2019 issue of Cell. “Our cells make protein carcinogens,” said co-corresponding author Dr. Susan M. Rosenberg, Ben F. Love Chair in Cancer Research and professor of molecular and human genetics, of molecular virology… Read More →
The First Awarding of Thomas L. Patterson Fellowship
The first awarding of the Thomas L. Patterson Graduate Fellowship in the President’s Office at Texas A&M University. Left to right: Dr. Jason Gill, Dr. Thomas Patterson, President Michael Young, Adriana Hernandez Morales, Dr. Steffanie Strathdee, Dr. Ry Young, Vice Chancellor and Dean Dr. Patrick Stover. (Photo credit: Division of Marketing & Communications, Texas A&M… Read More →
Vice Chancellor’s Award in Excellence Winners
On January 7, The Vice Chancellor’s Award in Excellence was held in the Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center. This awards program recognizes the commitment and outstanding contributions of faculty and staff across Texas A&M AgriLife. These awards provide us with a unique opportunity to celebrate the contributions and achievements of our faculty, students, and… Read More →
Dr. Chapkin Named AAAS Fellow
Dr. Robert Chapkin has been named American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow. He is the William W. Allen Endowed Chair in Nutrition and Chronic Disease Prevention at Texas A&M. He is a University Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor and University Faculty Fellow in the Program in Integrative Nutrition and Complex Diseases. He is also… Read More →
University Outstanding Juniors Award Winner
Karissa Yamaguchi is a Senior working under Dr. Xiuren Zhang and just received the University Outstanding Juniors Award! Both Karissa and Dr. Zhang attended a breakfast for the Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society at the University Club, where Karissa and other students were honored for their achievements. Congratulations Karissa! We’re all so proud of you!
Flower Fund Success
Every year in October, we host our Departmental Flower Fundraiser. This enables us to host events in order to raise money to buy flowers for those who incur a hospital stay, give birth, adopt, or lose a family member. This year, we hosted a Hula Hoop Competition, Costume Contest and Door Decorating Contest. Throughout the… Read More →
Work of Graduate Student, Sachin Katti, Featured on Cover of Metallomics
The work of Sachin Katti, a graduate student in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics (Igumenova lab), was recently featured on the cover of Metallomics (Metallomics. 2018 Sep 19;10(9):1211-1222. doi: 10.1039/c8mt00135a). In this manuscript, the authors report structural, thermodynamic, and kinetic characterization of Pb(II) interactions with the calcium-sensing domain of Synaptotagmin 1. Synaptotagmin 1 is… Read More →