As written by Ryan W. Miller of USA Today: Researchers discovered a “missing link” within plants between humans and simple pond scum that could provide insight into how some organisms live for thousands of years, according to a study published Monday. The enzyme telomerase can slow aging within cells by lengthening telomeres, a sort of cap at the… Read More →
Dr. Ping He Named 2019 Presidential Impact Fellow
The third class of Presidential Impact Fellows joins with more than 40 colleagues recognized in prior years with one of the most prestigious scholarly impact awards presented to Texas A&M faculty. The award was initiated by President Michael K. Young as a significant investment in faculty excellence and a recognition of the scholarship, personal commitment,… Read More →
Protein Chemistry Lab Named No. 1 in the Country
The Protein Chemistry Lab, or PCL, was named No. 1 Top Performer for Protein Engineering, Productions and Characterization labs in a recent international survey performed by Science Exchange. The PCL was ranked No.1 out of 526 protein service labs that operate through the exchange. Science Exchange is a global one-stop shop for laboratory services, where… Read More →
Dr. Vytas Bankaitis Gives Advice to Early-Career Scientists
Kurouski Lab Featured in AgriLife Today
Researchers can now quickly, accurately scan for nutrient content in the produce aisle Texas A&M AgriLife scientists find fruitful applications of Raman spectroscopy in food production, from the field to the grocery store. The first quick, accurate, nondestructive and portable way to scan produce for nutrients has been demonstrated by a team of Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists…. Read More →
Adey Awah from Young Lab Featured in The Eagle
The True Value of a Texas A&M EducationOne scholarship made the difference for Adey Awah ’20. Howdy Ags, What is the true value of a Texas A&M University education? There are a few different ways to approach this question. You could take it literally and answer “the cost of tuition.” Or maybe you could think… Read More →
Dr. Jean-Philippe Pellois Receives CPRIT Grant
This year, five Texas A&M University research teams received CPRIT grants with a total of over $6 million. Our very own Dr. Jean-Philippe Pellois, Professor and Associate Head for Graduate Programs received a grant from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, for his studies of how cells communicate with each other. When cells… Read More →
Bio/Bio Welcomes Our New Department Head!
Dr. Josh Wand took over as head of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University in College Station beginning August 1. Dr. Wand joins Texas A&M from the University of Pennsylvania, where he served as the Benjamin Rush professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics in the Perelman School… Read More →
Dr. Junjie Zhang’s Lab Publishes in Nature Communications
MS2, an ssRNA virus, has a long (> 50 years) history as a model system in molecular biology. MS2 infects the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli via a single maturation protein, which attaches to retractile F-pili of the host and has potential biotechnological applications for RNA delivery into cells. While MS2 was the first organism sequenced,… Read More →
Bio/Bio welcomes our new REU students!
Dr. Mary Bryk and Dr. Gary Kunkel are back it again with coordinating a summer research experience for undergraduates who come from all over the United States. We hope they enjoy their experience and summer here with us at Texas A&M University! Maybe we’ll even get lucky and some will apply to our graduate program… Read More →