Simon is starting his 6th year as graduate student working in the laboratory of Dr. James Sacchettini. His research seeks to improve diagnosis and treatment of Tuberculosis. Simon is currently working on a diagnostics technology using naturally occurring viral proteins. Furthermore, Simon is also investigating synergistic interactions between known drugs targeting central carbon metabolism pathways in Mycobacterium… Read More →
Dr. Andrew Nelson
Dr. Andrew Nelson received his Ph.D. in 2012 in the lab of Dr. Dorothy Shippen. His research focused on describing mechanisms by which an essential ribonucleoprotein complex, telomerase, is regulated in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. His work resulted in seven first or co-author research publications, three reviews, and a book chapter. After graduation, Andrew… Read More →
Laura Huning
Laura Huning is finishing up her 5th year as a doctoral student working under Dr. Gary Kunkel. She is studying the transcriptional activation of eukaryotic genes by a transcriptional activator protein, Zinc Finger Protein 143. When not in lab or in the fish rooms, Laura is teaching biochemistry laboratory techniques as a lab teaching assistant. In 2018, Laura… Read More →
Eric C. Greene
Eric Greene is a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics at Columbia University. Dr. Greene’s laboratory pioneered development of novel technologies for studying protein–nucleic acid interactions at the single–molecule level using real–time optical microscopy with an overarching goal of seeking to understand the molecular mechanisms that cells use to repair, maintain, and… Read More →
Arnaldo Díaz Vázquez
Arnaldo Díaz Vázquez, Ph.D., is the Assistant Dean for Research Training Programs, Director of Recruitment and Retention of Diversity Scholars, Director of the Office of Research Training Programs, and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. As Assistant Dean, Dr. Díaz… Read More →
Drew Roth
Drew Roth is a 5thyear Ph. D. student in the laboratory of Dr. Hays Rye where he studies the mechanistic properties of a molecular chaperone family called the small heat shock proteins. Drew investigates the ability of small heat shock proteins to inhibit protein aggregates of different structures. Drew has served on several committees as… Read More →
Dat Truong
Dat Truong is a 5th year graduate student in the lab of Dr. Margaret Glasner where he studies enzyme evolution by using catalytically promiscuous enzymes as the model system. He won the second place of the oral presentation at the very first annual Biochemistry & Biophysics research symposium last month. He has been mentoring undergraduate… Read More →
Dr. T.Scott Pinkerton
Dr. T. Scott Pinkerton received his PhD in 2004 after working in a collaborative project between Dr. Jim Wild’s lab at TAMU and a local biotech company in College Station. Scott then went on to a post-doctoral research molecular biologist position with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service at the National Center… Read More →
John Mosior
John Mosior is a 5th year graduate student in the lab of Dr. James Sacchettini. John utilizes a multidisciplinary approach, including structural biology, molecular biology, enzymology and the principles of biochemical assay development to further his Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) drug discovery research. He serves as an important member of the PptT team, a group within the Tuberculosis… Read More →
Dr. Rebecca Murphy
Dr. Rebecca Murphy received her Ph.D. in 2012 in the lab of Dr. John Mullet where her research was focused on the improvement of agriculturally important crop species, with emphasis on flowering time regulation in Sorghum bicolor. Her dissertation work was published in journals such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, and her research… Read More →